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  1. tttx

    Books [Amaisspecial] The Scratch Guide Book

    DESCRIPTION: A simple and comprehensive introduction to programming with Scratch, with fun and accessible projects that combine coding, video game design, and art projects that build children's confidence in coding, math, and STEM. INFORMATION PAGE: Скрытое содержимое DOWNLOAD: Скрытое содержимое
  2. tttx

    Books [R. Kent Dybvig] The Scheme Programming Language, ANSI Scheme

    DESCRIPTION: This book is a straightforward, no-nonsense introduction to Scheme, and in its second edition brings the material up to date with respect to the ANSI standard. It covers the properties and features of Scheme; Scheme programming for the novice and advanced Scheme programmer; and...
  3. tttx

    Books [R. Kent Dybvig] The Scheme Programming Language, 3rd Edition

    DESCRIPTION: Scheme is a general-purpose programming language, descended from Algol and Lisp, widely used in computing education and research and a broad range of industrial applications. This thoroughly updated edition of The Scheme Programming Language provides an introduction to Scheme and a...
  4. tttx

    Books [Stuart Andrews, Andrew Dixon] Coding for Kids: Scratch

    DESCRIPTION: Anyone can code. Certainly, writing the next Minecraft or programming complex simulations from scratch will require a deeper knowledge, but anyone and everyone has the potential to learn some basic coding skills, then take those skills and write a simple program. This book can help...
  5. tttx

    Books [Nils M. Holm] Logic Programming in Scheme

    DESCRIPTION: Questions answered in this little book: What is logic programming? Why is negation hard in logic programming? What is cutting? How do I solve logic puzzles? How is logic programming implemented? What is logic programming? What are goals and queries? Why is negation hard in logic...
  6. tttx

    Books [Dorai Sitaram] Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days

    DESCRIPTION: This is an introduction to the Scheme programming language. It is intended as a quick-start guide, something a novice can use to get a non-trivial working knowledge of the language, before moving on to more comprehensive and in-depth texts. INFORMATION PAGE: Скрытое содержимое...
  7. tttx

    Books [Max Hailperin, Barbara Kaiser, and Karl Knight] Concrete Abstractions: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Scheme

    DESCRIPTION: This text covers the basics of programming and data structures, and gives first-time computer science students the opportunity to not only write programs, but to prove theorems and analyze algorithms as well. INFORMATION PAGE: Скрытое содержимое DOWNLOAD: Скрытое содержимое
  8. tttx

    Books [Brian Harvey, Matthew Wright] Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science, 2nd Edition

    DESCRIPTION: This book works hard to make the somewhat tricky ideas of Scheme accessible. This tutorial stresses small sections on key language features, from basic functions, variables, and onward to recursion and other functional programming concepts. While languages like C++ and Java use...
  9. tttx

    Books [Kurt Normark] Functional Programming in Scheme: With Web Programming Examples

    DESCRIPTION: This is a teaching material about functional programming in Scheme. The current version of the material is a 2nd edition. Scheme is a pragmatic choice of programming language in the functional programming paradigm, with unique flexibility due to the membership of the Lisp family of...
  10. tttx

    Books [R. Kent Dybvig] The Scheme Programming Language, 4th Edition

    DESCRIPTION: A thoroughly updated and expanded edition brings this popular introductory text and reference up to date with the current Scheme standard, the Revised6 Report on Scheme. Scheme is a general-purpose programming language, descended from Algol and Lisp, widely used in computing...
  11. tttx

    Books [Jonathan Tang] Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours

    DESCRIPTION: A comprehensive first course in Scheme, covering all of its major features: abstraction, functional programming, data types, recursion, and semantic programming. You'll start off with command-line arguments and parsing, and progress to writing a fully-functional Scheme interpreter...
  12. tttx

    Books [Kevin Hoffman] Programming WebAssembly with Rust: Unified Development for Web, Mobile, and Embedded Applications

    DESCRIPTION: WebAssembly fulfills the long-awaited promise of web technologies: fast code, type-safe at compile time, execution in the browser, on embedded devices, or anywhere else. Rust delivers the power of C in a language that strictly enforces type safety. Combine both languages and you...
  13. tttx

    Books [Rust Community] Rust and WebAssembly

    DESCRIPTION: This book is for anyone interested in compiling Rust to WebAssembly for fast, reliable code on the Web. You should know some Rust, and be familiar with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. You don't need to be an expert in any of them. INFORMATION PAGE: Скрытое содержимое DOWNLOAD: Скрытое...
  14. tttx

    Books [Karl Rikte] Using Rust as a Complement to C for Embedded Systems Software Development

    DESCRIPTION: This is an introductory book about using the Rust Programming Language on "Bare Metal" embedded systems, such as Microcontrollers. It is for everyone who wants to do embedded programming while taking advantage of the higher-level concepts and safety guarantees the Rust language...
  15. tttx

    Books [Rust Contributors] The Embedded Rust Book

    DESCRIPTION: This is an introductory book about using the Rust Programming Language on "Bare Metal" embedded systems, such as Microcontrollers. It is for everyone who wants to do embedded programming while taking advantage of the higher-level concepts and safety guarantees the Rust language...